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What will you need about polish cabinet pulls and knobs

What will you need about polish cabinet pulls and knobs

What will you need about polish cabinet pulls and knobs

When your furniture hardware pulls are old or dirty, It looks very unattractive, so we need to clean them. One of the fastest and easiest ways I can think is polishing up drawer pulls. Polishing up old cabinet pulls and knobs also save you money.

Then what will you need about polish cabinet pulls and knobs:
  • Brasso Metal Polish
  • Several clean cotton rags
  • Toothpicks
  • Old toothbrush for detailed scrubbing
  • Latex or nitrile gloves

cabinet pulls and knobs

The step by step process I am going to describe employs the use of Brasso Metal Polish. This product is ammonia based and has a pungent odor. There are various other, "natural" methods you can use to polish your hardware. A simple search will find more than enough examples.
Brasso is a metal polish that has been around for over 100 years. It is a paste polishing compound that has ammonia and alcohol as its primary ingredients.
Begin by squeezing some of the product out onto a clean rag. Rub the compound so that the piece you are polishing is liberally coated. Brasso has a mild solvent and fine abrasives in it. This helps to knockdown and smooth out the scratches and imperfections that are on your hardware pieces. Once applied, you may wipe off the excess and buff out to a high shine with a clean cloth. For especially stubborn stains and spots, leave the Brasso on for several minutes, or until the product begins to dry to a haze, then buff to a high shine.
Some cabinet pulls and knobs may have fine detailed areas you may want cleaned and polished. This is where the old toothbrush comes in. Squeeze a small portion of Brasso out directly onto your cabinet hardware. Use the toothbrush to work the paste into all the small crevices and details. Wipe, polish and you're done!
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